Upload Text
Adds an arbitrary document to the index. This can be any text, email, call transcript, etc. The document will be processed and made available for querying once the processing is complete.
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Name of the collection to add the document to. If the collection does not exist, it will be created.
Full text of the document.
Title of the document.
Date of the document. Depending on the document, this could be the creation date or date the document was last updated (eg. for a chat transcript, this would be the date of the last message). This helps the ranking algorithm and allows you to filter by date range.
Source of the document. This helps in parsing the document. Note that some sources require the document to be in a specific format.
, markdown
, chat
, email
, transcript
, legal
, website
, image
, pdf
, audio